
Katepal’s bitumen roofing is made to withstand varying weather conditions and an ever-changing world.

About us

We provide protection for your home and property that lasts for decades – even in rough and unpredictable weather conditions.

Brochures and documents

We have gathered all installation instructions, product data sheets, product catalogs, and other technical documents for Katepal products in one place.


We take responsibility for how our operations impact our local environment, the climate and the construction industry.

Low-carbon construction

Katepal Green

In the Katepal Green product range, some of the bitumen is replaced with renewable pine oil. In addition, the support layer materials have been replaced with plastic from recycled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles. The products are manufactured at our Lempäälä plant in southern Finland, which runs on 100% wind-generated electricity.

Product range


Katepal's range of accessories includes ready-made components for flashing, roof ventilation, penetrations, and sealing vapour barrier structures.

Bitumen adhesives and masses

Bitumen compounds and processed products are suitable, for example, for bonding Katepal bitumen membranes (block bitumen) and for waterproofing foundation structures.

Bitumen felt strips

Katepal membrane strips speed up worksite operations. Pre-cut membrane strips reduce the need for modifications in on-site conditions.

Cap sheets

Katepal's top membranes are classified as TL1 or TL2. The extensive range includes top membranes in various colours and multiple product categories.

Cap sheets DIY and triangular batten roof

Sealed seam membranes are top membranes with adhesive edges, allowing for the installation of relatively low-pitched roofs. Traditional batten roll roofs can also be achieved using Katepal products.

Foundation products

Foundation and base products are designed for waterproofing and moisture protection of foundation walls and plinths, as well as for radon protection in the building’s subfloor.

Green roof products

A green roof is chosen as a waterproofing structure to enhance the living environment's comfort or improve technical properties. The products are compatible with each other.

Katepal Green products

Katepal Green products contain renewable bio-based raw materials and recycled materials, which significantly reduce the product's carbon footprint compared to conventional alternatives.

Roof safety products

Katepal's roof safety product range includes systems designed for safe working on bitumen roofs.

Roofing shingles

A roof made with roofing shingles is easy to install, safe, durable, and stylish. The wide range of colours and cut designs allows for a roof that blends seamlessly into its surroundings.


Underlay membranes and roofing underlays are an essential part of a functional roof structure, as they serve as a securing structural component beneath the top roofing layer.

Vapour barriers

Katepal underlay membranes are also suitable for use as vapour barrier products. Vapour barrier membranes are classified into three product categories: BH1, BHA2, and BH3.

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